LOLI Database

Jan. 21st, 2013

The LOLI Database

LOLI is an extensive chemical regulatory database, designed to quickly and easily find information on specific chemicals, and regulations pertaining to chemicals. LOLI contains hundreds of thousands of chemicals from over 4280 lists as of the July 2012 update, as well as synonyms and molecular and struc-tural formulas with links to generic chemical groups. The regulatory data is supplemented with non-regulatory information on related topics, such as toxicity, ecotoxicity, and physical properties.

The LOLI database list sources include data from:

– -National & International Advisory Agencies – Latin America

– -Africa – Middle East

– -Asia-Pacific – Canada Federal & Provincial Governments

– -European Union Directives – United States Federal & State Governments

– -European Union Member Countries – Government Inventory Lists

— European Non-EU Countries – REACH and GHS Based Sources

LOLI is designed to assist you in complying with occupational, environmental, health, and, safety regulations and in writing Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and labels for your products and intermediaries. The following is the DEMO of LOLI Database:




LOLI Datafeed

For customers who need regulatory data integrated with existing applications, we offer the LOLI data-base as a data feed. The download comes with a full table mapping and description and is available in multiple formats.


LOLI Desktop Software

LOLI Desktop is an extremely versatile program that installs easily on any PC. With this software you can:

– Create your own lists of chemicals – Add and subtract chemicals from your lists

– Take information from LOLI lists – Find synonyms/chemical groups

– Search on one chemical or on many chemicals

– Search using personalized scripts through all or part of the database


ChemADVISOR Online

The perfect way to economically perform an occasional regulatory check on a chemical. ChemADVISOR Online can search CAS numbers by chemical name, PMN number, EINECS number, and more. Fast, inexpensive, and easy to use. Just access and follow the on-screen prompts. With a few clicks of your mouse, you can precisely view the information you’re looking for.


There are no up-front fees! Just pay for what you use, or create a corporate account. Call ChemADVISOR to get a user name and password. Hundreds of thousands of chemicals can be searched in seconds. You can check you chemicals against inventory lists and our extensive set of health and safety regulations and advisory sources.