Disinfectant Regulation

Jul. 31st, 2015

China Hygienic Disinfectant Products

Pursuant to the” Decision of the State Council on Cancellation and Transfer of 50 Items of Administrative Permits and Other Affairs”, Decree 27 of 2013,approval of disinfectants and disinfection devices not produced by the use of new materials, new technologies and new principles of sterilization(namely the Existing Disinfectant Products)was canceled by the National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC, the former Ministry of Health), Under this newly deregulated market, when these existing disinfectant products are traded on the Chinese market, they are now required to implement the hygiene and safety evaluation and to be filed on the basis of Regulation of Hygienic Safety Evaluation for Disinfectant Products.

EU BPR (Biocidal Products Regulation)

EU BPR (Biocidal Products Regulation) came into force on Sept. 1st 2013. It aims to harmonize the European Market for biocidal products and their active substance and at the same time to provide a high level of protection for humans, animals and the environment.
BPR regulates strictly its authorization deadline, and EU commission, ECHA, and all members of EU are in preparation for BPR’s enforcement. Industries are working hard on studying BPR and preparing for compliance, because only products complying with BPR can have access to EU market.

EPA Antimicrobial Pesticides

Pesticides are regulated by Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S., all pesticides used in the United States must be registered (license) by EPA. When the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act(FIFRA) was firstly published in 1947, it established procedures for registering pesticides with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and established labeling provisions. In USA, antimicrobial pesticides comprise a highly diverse group of pesticides that is distinctly different from conventional pesticides and biopesticides, which are solely managed by the Antimicrobials Division (AD) of the Office of Pesticide Programs. Registrants of antimicrobial pesticide products must submit efficacy data to support their application for registration or amendments to add public health claims. EPA ensures that each registered pesticide continues to meet the highest standards of safety to protect human health and the environment.

From REACH24H,  you will acquire the latest agrochemical news and information of China pesticide regulations and EU BPR, USA EPA and China disinfectant regulation.


Agrochemical News

REACH24H builds agrochem channel on Chemlinked. The ChemLinked, all powered by REACH24H brings with up-to-the-minute agrochemical regulation news in EU, USA, China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea market.

From Chemlinked·Agrochem, you may be interested in:

* Agrochemical Regulatory News Updates

* Disinfectant and Pesticides Regulation News Updates

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Compliance & Registration

We help our client to meet the pesticide regulations in China and EU BPR. You can contact us if any problem is there. We are happy to help.

Compliant with China Disinfectant Regulation, we can help on:

* Free regulatory advice

* Comprehensive analysis report

* Disinfectant Registration Service

* Compliance strategy for biocidal product

* Labeling and Safety Data Sheet

* China Disinfectant Regulation Training

Compliant with EU BPR (Biocidal Product Regulation), we can help on:

* Compliance strategy for biocidal product

* Product analysis and advice to improvement

* Biocidal product authorization application

* Label compilation of treated article

* Active substance search

* EU BPR Regulation Training

To comply with USA EPA Antimicrobal Pesticide Regulation,we can help on:

* FIFRA  EPA Compliance Consulting

* FIFRA EPA Products Registration

* Product analysis and advice to constituent improvement

* Comprehensive analysis report

REACH24H has rich experience in deal with EU biocides BPR regulation; USA EPA Antimicrobal pesticides regulation; China pesticides regulations, etc., REACH24H can make custom-made compliance service for enterprises. If you have further questions, please consult +86 5718700 6630 directly or send e-mail to