Raw materials and claims of blue-hat nutrient supplements under consultation
Dec. 12th, 2019
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SAMR has opened draft versions of the updated directories of raw materials and claims of health food nutrient supplements to public feedback. The consultation period will end on Dec. 31, 2019.
On Dec. 2, 2019, State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) released consultation drafts of the Directory of Raw Materials Used in Nutrient Supplementary Health Food (2019 Edition) 《营养素补充剂保健食品原料目录(征求意见稿)(2019年版)》 and the Directory of Functional Claims Allowed in Nutrient Supplementary Health Food (2019 Edition)(2019 Edition) 《允许营养素补充剂保健食品声称的保健功能目录(征求意见稿)(2019年版). The drafts are currently undergoing public consultation.