Taiwan Region Solicits Opinions on Amendments of Labelling and SDS Regulation for Toxic and Concerned Chemicals

Jul. 27th, 2022

Minimum dimensions of labels for containers or packaging with different capacities are proposed in line with EU CLP. 

Taiwan region’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) issued on July 21, 2022 the draft amendments of the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Labelling and SDS Regulation (hereafter referred to as the “Regulation”). The draft proposal is currently undergoing a 30-day public consultation.The Regulation was promulgated on January 13, 2020, and took effect from January 16, 2020, replacing the Toxic Chemical Substances Labelling and SDS Regulation. It is one of the most important regulations for the implementation of GHS in Taiwan region.

Proposed Revisions of Labelling and SDS Regulation in Taiwan Region

  • Adding minimum dimensions of labels for containers or packaging with different capacities in accordance with EU CLP (see below table);
    Capacity Dimensions of the label
    ≤ 3 litres At least 52 x 74mm
    > 3 litres but ≤ 50 litres At least 74 x 105mm
    > 50 litres but ≤ 500 litres At least 105 x 148mm
    > 500 litres At least 148 x 210mm
  • Updating the labelling requirements for chemicals whose hazardous characteristics cannot be classified in accordance with the CNS15030 that their pictograms, warning words, hazard statements and precautionary statements can be omitted;
  • Adding legal basis for indicating other texts or graphic contents on the container or packaging of designated toxic and concerned chemicals if it is required by the EPA as per the Categories and Management of Handling for Toxic Chemical Substances Regulation, and the Categories and Management of Handling for Concerned Chemical Substances Regulation.

Take nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for example: Nitrous oxide was announced as the first concerned chemical substance under TCCSCA (Taiwan REACH regulation) on October 30, 2020, to tackle the growing misuse issues. The containers or packaging of nitrous oxide shall comply with the GHS labelling requirement. In addition, special warning words「限工業用、禁止吸食」(industrial use only, no inhaling) are required on the containers or packaging and the text should be contrasted against the background color, which was stipulated in the Categories and Management of Handling for Concerned Chemical Substance.

The amendments as proposed will take effect on August 31, 2023.

Reprinted from: ChemLinked

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