At the CRAC-HCF 2020 Virtual Forum held by REACH24H on November 24, 2020, Ms. Yahui Ni from the Environmental Resource & Information Co., Ltd. (ERI), introduced the regulatory framework of Taiwan’s new and existing chemical registration system (Taiwan REACH) and the ongoing efforts made by regulatory authorities. Ms. Ni’s speech was mainly centered on the registration of 106 PECs, which represented industry’s first exposure to joint registration mechanism during which data ownership and reliability issues were encountered. Taiwan’s EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) encourages registrants to firstly cite international public databases (16 recommended in the Guidance for PECs Registration) for data and secondly, to use systematic literature reviews, QSAR, read-across, and testing proposal to fulfil requirements for all testing endpoints. It is however, not allowed to directly refer to the ECHA database. Additionally, the registrants shall not cite the literatures owned by private enterprises, such as BASF, DUPONT, etc. For data in reports such as OECD…