Format Auditing tightens as CRC requests

Sep. 27th, 2012

The growing strictness of auditing procedure

After receiving tons of notification materials almost every single day, it surly has become a fairly uneasy matter to check every single piece of them from head to feet. The whole workload itself has already been such an annoying business that few could imagine how difficult it is about to be when the millions of mistakes on writing have to be selected out during this already tedious procedure. However, the problem may be even worse when there are countless tiny flaws appeared not only in contents including the ill use of diction, but also the punctuations which are all in a mess. The circumstance certainly has aroused CRC’s attention due to its heavily stressful working pressure, which thus triggered the determination to capture further notice upon this issue according to the latest report.

What the CRC is pressing on

There are some mistakes which the CRC previously seldom pays attention to has now been put on its agenda. These mistakes are generally as follow:

–the Chinese name of the chemical substance does not include blank space between each character.

–the ill use of connector in the ‘name’ section and false writing of Greece letters;

–too lengthy and incomprehensible writing in form;

–the use of punctuation is all in a mess.

The above-mentioned circumstance only marks a corner of an iceberg amongst all the mistakes. The notifiers are due to be prompt in response to CRC’s leveling up its auditing procedure. Under the current circumstance, even the slightest cannot be lucky enough to escape the keen gaze of CRC, particularly in the several coming months since July this year when the form auditing reaches its prime, with both the auditing standard and strength considerably enhanced.

Despite what has become a growing challenge towards all notifiers, the careful examination and complete certainty of correct writing would in a large degree remove any potential clashes with CRC standard. This suggests all the notifiers to take every move with full attention and decent consultancy before handing the notification materials. Otherwise, what faces the notifiers shall be doubtless a whole lot of troublesome cases. The CRC would order the notifiers to revise the materials. That will lead to the supplementation of materials as well as the signature from the clients, both of which are extremely wasteful of time and energy

It is expected that the auditing procedure of notification materials will inevitably serves more than just part of the regulation as its genuine impact indicates higher caution as well as seriousness. The notifiers, as they are facing this upcoming challenge, enjoy maybe a greater opportunity to carve its niche of being the real experts.