FAQs for China REACH: how to comply with environmental management registration requirements?

Jan. 16th, 2023

The SCC-MEE released the fifth batch of 9 FAQs to help enterprises fulfill their obligations under the MEE Order No.12.

With the MEE Order No.12 in effect, the Solid Waste and Chemical Management Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (SCC-MEE) has released a series of FAQs to help enterprises fulfill their obligations under the MEE Order No.12. The fifth batch of 9 FAQs were published on December 23, 2022. *The fourth batch of FAQs was published in June 2022, see here.

ChemLinked has selected some FAQs to facilitate your understanding of compliance with MEE Order No.12.

  1. For the import of new chemical substances, shall these new chemicals be registered by oversea exporters or domestic importers?
  2. If domestic Company A entrusts domestic Company B to produce new chemical substances, shall the new chemical registration be obtained by Company A or B?
  3. For the import or manufacture of chemicals in the IECSC (Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China), how to comply with the environmental management registration requirements for new chemical substances?
  4. How to check the progress or download the receipt after submitting the Record Notification? When can I start relevant activities after submitting the Record Notification, and what should I pay attention to?

  5. For the modification of the Regular Registration Certificate or Simplified Registration Certificate for the environmental management of new chemical substances, do I need to apply for a new registration via the online system after receiving the supplement and correction notice?

[Read the answers at ChemLinked]

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News Source: ChemLinked

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