ECHA publishes REACH registration statistics

Oct. 24th, 2012

The data published in the statistics including:

——the overall number of registrations and registered substances (phase-in, non phase-in);

——the number of substances notified to Member State competent authorities under the previous European chemicals legislation (Directive 67/548/EEC) and their current status under REACH;

——the number of registrations by:

–registration type (full registration or intermediate registration);

–joint submissions or individual submissions;

–company size;

–company role in the supply chain;

–EU/EEA countries.

——the most frequently registered substances;

——the registered substances by total tonnage band.

The publication itself has enhanced the transparency as ECHA wishes it and the stakeholder may also take a shape eye upon this exposed data that explains the REACH registration status over years since it is implemented.

For detailed published statistics, please log on ECHA’s website:

Having successfully assisted thousands of clients to fulfill their REACH obligations, REACH24H Consulting Group China would like to remind you again the 2013 deadline is counting down. Due to the fact that total registration procedure could go months, an early preparation for all the affected company would better serve to the full completion of the responsibility.

ECHA has also framed the tactical project which was re-designed by REACH24H for your better understanding in confrontation with the upcoming regulatory block. Here is the suggested REACH registration timetable:

For further information about the REACH regulation compliance or registration, you may also contact us by sending us an email to, or visit our website at WWW.REACH24H.COM.