China MEP to Issue Certificates for 7 New Regular Notifications under China REACH

Apr. 07th, 2013

Among the published 7 new chemical substance, 3 are classified into the scope of hazardous new chemical substance of high environmental concern, 3 are regarded as hazardous new chemical substance and 1 as general new chemical substance.

Table1. 7 new chemical substances (1st batch of 2013) to be approved under China NCSN Regular Notification (RN)

Order Admissible No. Chinese Chemical Name Notifying Company Notification Type Environmental Management Catagory
1. 12042 3-取代-1-氨基金刚烷



Insight High Technology (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.

RN hazardous new chemical substance of priority environmental concern
2. 12043 1-(6-取代-9-乙基咔唑-3-基)-取代丙烷-1-酮肟-O-乙酸酯

1-(6-substituted-9-ethylcarbazole oxadiazol-3-yl)-substituted propane-1-oxime-O-acetate


Changzhou Tronly New Electronic Materials Co., Ltd.

RN hazardous new  chemical substance
3. 12047 甲基乙烯基双取代基硅烷和1,3-双取代-1,3-二甲基-1,3-二乙烯基二硅氧烷的反应混合物

methyl vinyl bis-substituted silane, and 1,3-bis-substituted-1,3-dimethyl-1,3-divinyldisiloxane reaction mixture


Dow Corning (China) Holding Company Limited

RN hazardous new  chemical substance
4. 12052 苯酚与卤代二芳基醚和多卤代二芳基醚的反应产物的卤化物

reaction product of phenol with a halogenated diaryl ether and polyhalo diaryl ether halides

Chemtura Corporation RN general new chemical substance
5. 12055 二氟乙酸乙酯

Ethyl Difluoroacetate

CAS: 454-31-9


Jiangsu Zhongdan Group Co., Ltd.

RN hazardous new chemical substance of priority environmental concern
6. 12058 过渡金属硝酸盐的稀硝酸溶液

dilute nitric acid solution of a transition metal nitrate


Heraeus Materials Technology Shanghai Ltd.

RN hazardous new  chemical substance
7. 12059 [烷二基二(含氮的亚基)]双[氧代烷基磺酸]钠盐

[Alkoxy diyl II (a nitrogen-containing subunit)] bis [oxoalkyl sulfonic acid] sodium salt

LANXESS Deutschland GmbH RN hazardous new chemical substance of priority environmental concern

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