[Attention] ECHA Fees are to Rise by 1.5% from 25 June

Jun. 09th, 2015

On 8 June 2015, the EU’s Official Journal announced an amendment to the Fee Regulation that ECHA will adapt the fees and charges to the 2013 inflation (+1.5%). The new fees will come into force on 25 June 2015, and all invoices for REACH will automatically reflect the new fees as of that date.

The detailed fees are as follows:

Fees for registrations submitted under Article 6, 7 or 11 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006

Individual submission Joint submission
Current Fee/€ New Fee/€ Current Fee /€ New Fee /€
Intermediate 1714 1739 1285 1304
Fee for substances in the range of 1 to 10 tonnes 1714 1739 1285 1304
Fee for substances in the range 10 to 100 tonnes 4605 4674 3454 3506
Fee for substances in the range 100 to 1 000 tonnes 12317 12501 9237 9376
Fee for substances above 1 000 tonnes 33201 33699 24901


Reduced Fees for SMEs of Individual Submission

Medium Enterprise Small Enterprise Micro Enterprise
Current Fee /€ New Fee /€ Current Fee /€ New Fee /€ Current Fee /€ New Fee /€
Intermediate 1114 1131 600 609 86 87
Fee for substances in the range of 1 to 10 tonnes 1114 1131 600 609 86 87
Fee for substances in the range 10 to 100 tonnes 2993 3038 1612 1636 230 234
Fee for substances in the range 100 to 1 000 tonnes 8006 8126 4311 4375 616 625
Fee for substances above 1 000 tonnes 21581 21904 11620 11795 1660 1685

Reduced Fees for SMEs of Joint Submission

Medium Enterprise Small Enterprise Micro Enterprise
Current Fee /€ New Fee /€ Current Fee /€ New Fee /€ Current Fee /€ New Fee /€
Intermediate 835 848 450 457 64 65
Fee for substances in the range of 1 to 10 tonnes 835 848 450 457 64 65
Fee for substances in the range 10 to 100 tonnes 2245 2279 1209 1227 173 175
Fee for substances in the range 100 to 1 000 tonnes 6004 6094 3233 3282 462 469
Fee for substances above 1 000 tonnes 16185 16428 8715 8846 1245 1264

In addition, fees for the update of registrations, data confidentiality, PPORD notifications etc. will also rise by 1.5% from 25 June.

Source: ECHA fees adjusted for inflation