2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – China Chemical Regulations

Jan. 13th, 2016

The year of 2015 is by no means an uneventful year for China’s chemical and environmental management. Work safety accidents occurred frequently, with the catastrophic Tianjin Blasts of 12 August attracting the most attention, igniting a huge public outcry for risk management of hazardous chemicals. More and more companies began to realize that there is no such thing as sustainable development without an environmental friendly chemical management. In the meantime, the Chinese authorities have stepped up efforts for intensified regulation, putting into effect the Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals (2015) on 1 May and its corresponding Implementation Guidance on 19 August as well as releasing the revised China New Chemical Substance Notification Guidance and the Measures for the Environmental Management Registration of Hazardous Chemicals on 25 June and 19 October respectively for public consultation.

At such a time of bidding farewell to the past while ushering in the new, REACH24H Consulting Group helps you connect the dots to grasp the highlights, well positioned to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of key developments of China chemical and hazardous chemical regulations in 2015.

China New Chemical Substance Notification and Environmental Management Registration of Hazardous Chemicals

China Hazardous Chemicals Management

It is noteworthy that competent authorities are taking actions step by step to perfect various laws and regulations as well as strengthen links and reduce conflicts among them to facilitate better enforcement. REAHCH24H Consulting Group suggests that companies shall pay timely attention to official updates and seek for compliance actively to secure a global market.

Further Readings:

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – EU REACH

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Global GHS

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – South Korea Chemical Regulations

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Taiwan Chemical Regulations

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Japan Chemical Regulations

The year of 2015 saw a series of major regulatory changes, bringing both challenges and opportunities to the chemical industry. To tease out the key updates in Asia Pacific’s regulatory regime throughout the past year, ChemLinked has dedicated to prepare you an annual report “2015 Chemical Regulatory Review of the Asia Pacific Region”.