Five years have passed since the European Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR) became effective back in September 2013. The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) decided to celebrate this date by holding a Biocides Day on October 24-25 to report on the current implementation of the BPR Regulation and its way forward. By the end of October 2018, the EU had approved 144 biocide active substances, including 6 microorganisms, covering pesticides, preservatives, anti-allergic agents, antibacterial and antibacterial products, and utensils and furniture for kitchen-use, as well as downstream manufacturers of paint, coatings, textiles, building materials, carpets, ceramic products and electronic appliances. In addition, the EU banned 15 active substances and combinations of uses, such as triclosan (CAS No. 3380-34-5) which was banned from human sanitizers, non-human and animal contact disinfectants, film preservatives and, among the preservatives for fibers, leather, rubber and polymerised material. Silver chloride (CAS No.: 7783-90-6) is banned from veterinary disinfectants,…