Chinese New Pesticide Regulation: Inter-Departmental Comments on 5 Draft Supporting Rules

Apr. 17th, 2017

On 1 April, China MoA (Ministry of Agriculture) released the drafts of 5 supporting regulations for the newly promulgated pesticide regulation, which were currently under internal consultation among governmental departments including NDRC, MIIT, MPS, MEP, MOFCOM, NHFPC, SAIC, AQSIQ, SAWS, SFDA, SFB (State Forestry Bureau), SGB (State Grain Bureau), GSMC (General Supply and Marketing Cooperative) and all provincial agricultural departments.

The 5 supporting drafts will be issued under ministerial regulation, which reflects the regulatory prospects of pesticide regulation, production, marketing, label and manual, as well as the accreditation of pesticide labs:

  • Administrative Measures for the Registration of Pesticide;
  • Administrative Measures for the Production of Pesticide;
  • Administrative Measures for the Marketing of Pesticide;
  • Administrative Measures for the label and Manual of Pesticide;
  • Administrative Measures for the Testing Facility of Pesticide Registration;

News Source: ChemLinked