REACH24H Sponsors 2014 GlobalChem

Jan. 22nd, 2014

From March 3-5, REACH24H will attend the prestigious gathering in chemical industry—GlobalChem(see more on: as a sponsor. The event has been the key forum for obtaining the latest information on headline regulatory affairs as well as their developments from a global perspective. After last October’s “China Regulation” seminars in both New Jersey and Houston, this is our second land on U.S. soil in less than half a year, It reflects the growing demand of regulatory consulting support of American companies, many of whose most concerned regulatory problems will be surely discussed during our presentation at the session regarding Asia-Pacific chemical control regulation.

*REACH24H senior regulatory expert Olivia Sun was doing a presentation at GlobalChem2011

REACH24H senior regulatory expert Olivia Sun was making a presentation at GlobalChem 2011

We keep on investing in our regulatory specialists, compliance experts and researchers of various disciplines. We now boast a team of professional risk assessors to undertake hundreds of cases entrusted by our clients around the world. We own separate units to manage one-stop compliance support for stakeholders under different regulations. Atlans Dale, a key member of REACH24H “China Reach Unit”, is known specially for his expertise in overall regulatory management of new chemicals in China. His presence in GlobalChem 2014 will help to answer the questions raised from attendees.With newly acquired membership in ACC, REACH24H’s expands its global reach. As a pioneering service provider in Asia-Pacific, REAHCH24H has been pursuing integral service packages that combine information update, compliance solution and training and has made technical innovations recent years. The best example would be ChemLinked ( It is Asia’s first and so far the largest chemical regulatory information platform. It had been conceived before China’s revisions to key regulations took place. Such bold foresight gave birth to a ten-member team who are now making contribution to bridge the information gap between China and abroad, by delivering the most up-to-date regulatory news and expert insights that enable users to make swift access into the best regulatory resources.

Contact Us at GlobalChem

Contact Person: Jerry Yan


Tel: 86 (0)571 8700 7546

Atlans Dale

As one of the earliest to be involved in providing compliance solution to the “New Chemical Substance Notification” in China, Dale’s expertise in solving regulatory affairs has been displayed through hundreds of relevant cases he’s undertaken since he joined REACH24H in 2012. During this short and key period which signals the crucial development of the regulation, Dale was commissioned more than once to introduce his team’s latest understanding towards regulatory compliance. He made his debut as honored speaker in a webinar organized by U.S. Department of Commerce in China, and then was invited for a variety of conferences, seminars and related events worldwide.