REACH24H Launches China’s Cosmetic Services

May. 21st, 2013

May 21, 2013 – Hangzhou China – REACH24H Consulting Group announced the newly launched services for China Cosmetic Regulation.

REACH24H is evolving as the client demand continues to change, especially in the field of China cosmetic regulation. “China has become one of the largest cosmetics market in the world and ranks second in Asia after Japan, more safety and contamination issues have been published and attracted public attentions. The current cosmetic regulatory system,  still focuses on the hygienic supervision rather than ingredient safety evaluation. “To meet the current and coming compliance demands of clients is our initiative to launch the services in the field of China cosmetics”, REACH24H’s CEO, Mr. Jim Wei said.

The newly launched cosmetic services are lead by Tommy Kong, who served REACH24H for more than five years and led the team of China new chemical notification (China REACH) and SIEF Communication under EU REACH. Tommy graduated from School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Peking University)  with drug pre-clinical safety evaluation training and academic background.

If you are interested to speak with Mr. Kong regarding REACH24H China cosmetic services, please contact him at