REACH24H Joins the Debate on Chemical Safety Regulations for Bravo Business Forum’s Milan Conference

Apr. 01st, 2019

Milan, Italy. Monday April 1 begins the 11th Practical Conference on the Implementation of Global Chemical Safety Regulations in Russian and CIS Corporations, an internationally recognized event bringing together professionals in the field of chemical safety led by the international high-level meetings organizer Bravo Business Forums.

To reflect more globalized times, this conference has become known for offering an insight to some of the most relevant issues as well as regulatory changes across regions, including not only Russia and CIS countries but also U.S. and Canada, EU, Eurasia, and Asia- Pacific.

Covering Asia and its latest regulatory advances, the first day of the Conference will be led by REACH24H and its team of chemical experts, including Mr. Robert Kiefer from REACH24H USA, Ms. Erin An from the company’s headquarters in China, and Ms. Bi Bo, REACH24H’s EU representative. The three experts were invited to lead the workshop Overview of AP chemical regulation.

Presentations will include:

  • China REACH (NCSN, GHS/HazCom/TDG and EHS), Erin An;
  • Korea REACH and K-BPR, Bi Bo;
  • Taiwan TCSCCA Existing Chemical Registration, Erin An;
  • Other A-P Countries (ASEAN, Vietnam, Japan, Australia), Robert Kiefer.

In addition, Mr. Kiefer will also be presenting on the second day of the conference on “Implementation of U.S. TSCA Reform:  New Chemicals and User Fee Rules”.

For more information on REACH24H workshop on Asia-Pacific and other items on the agenda, you may access this link.

To learn more about the conference, you can visit the official announcement through this link.

Any queries or suggestions for the workshop?

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