REACH24H Forms Partnership with Chemspec

Nov. 16th, 2012

By this early November a new strategic partnership was signed between REACH24H—the China-based chemical regulatory expert, and Chemspec—one major brand of famous UK-based Quartz Business Media, specializing in the fine and speciality chemicals market.

The newly established cooperation lays the foundation on mutual benefit and certain cooperative projects have been underway, which will soon be carried out later this year.

The years’ experiences in solving regulatory affairs has granted REACH24H one of the most renowned chemical regulatory compliance solution providers in Asia; Chemspec, powered by its skillfulness in publishing of ‘Speciality Chemicals Magazine’ and organizing exhibitions for fine and speciality chemicals, ranks high in its B2B services and as platform for professional information exchange. The combination of advantages in both introduces intensified strength to the marketplace and promises undoubtedly a more competitive package of marketing strategies. It is noteworthy also that the increased tightness of chemical regulation in a worldwide range calls for more and more attention on international cooperation such as this, to ensure the international trade prosperous continuum.

About REACH24H

REACH24H provides chemical regulatory consultancy, agency and technical support for chemical manufacturers, importers and downstream users to tackle the chemical regulatory setbacks around the world. Its main focuses on EU REACH, EU CLP, Global GHS, China REACH, etc. have successfully assisted thousands of clients to avoid regulatory risks and effectively enhanced the competitiveness of their products in corresponding marketplace. Its wide-ranging cooperation with governmental sectors such as ECHA, CRC-MEP in China, and partnership with top global regulatory experts such as ChemADVISOR and WERCS, have rendered a far better prospect in its exploitation on providing more efficient and cost-effective services.

About Chemspec

Chemspec is the top brand under the UK-based Quartz Business Media who are a professional magazine publisher as well as business trade exhibition organizer specialized in the fine and sepciality market of Chemspec events. It has now three branches, Chemspec Europe of Munich, Germany, Chemspec India of Mumbai and Chemspec Asia of Bangkok, Thailand. Chemspec Europe show in Munich currently attracts key industrial players, such asSaltigo, Evonik, Lonza, BASF, CABB; Asian companies, such as, Daikin, Suminoto; Chinese companies, such as Sinopec, Sinochem, Acebright Pharmaceutical Group, ABA Chemicals; Indian Company Sajjian India, etc. in its show. As a result, it is a trade show the quality buyers wish to be part of each year. This allows Chemspec Europe to gather key decision buyers from major companies all over the world.