REACH24H Consulting Group Meeting with ECHA

Jun. 27th, 2017

On June 26, Mr. Geert Dancet the Executive Director of ECHA, Petteri Mäkelä, the International Relation Officer of ECHA, and Bojan Pavlek, the First Secretary of EU in Beijing joined Nathan Chen, the GM of REACH24H, the GM of REACH24H USA company Robert Kiefer, the manager of REACH24H Cassie Li for a meeting.

REACH24H Consulting Group Meeting with ECHA

From left to right: Cassie Li, Nathan Chen, Petteri Mäkelä, Geert Dancet, Robert Kiefer, Bojan Pavlek

Mr. Dancet’s visit to Beijing was a part of his effort in China to raise awareness of the 2018 REACH registration on the REACH requirements for substances, and substances in articles.

As the most experienced REACH regulatory compliance consulting company in China, REACH24H Consulting Group was invited to discuss major progresses and impacts on trade during EU REACH Regulatory substance evaluation stage, the impact of EU REACH regulations on consumer products related regulations, and the potential topic ECHA is going to present at the Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference 2017 (CRAC 2017) hosted by REACH24H.

We look forwarding to meeting ECHA again in November for CRAC 2017!