REACH24H attended the seminars with Australia China Business Council

Jun. 05th, 2017

On 18-19 May, REACH24H was invited by ACBC to present on their seminars- “China’s Import Regulations & Options for appointing representatives/staff” in Brisbane and “China and China’s Regulations, Compliance and Importation Procedures” in Melbourne.

Raymond Ng, Food Regulatory Consultant and Roger Ying, Business Development Manager (Cosmetic Division) at REACH24H provided insight into China’s regulations, compliance and importation procedures, particularly for companies in the food and beverage, cosmetics and beauty products, and organics and health supplements sectors.

Brisbane ACBC event

Roger explained five key factors that Australian cosmetic exporters seeking to satisfy the Chinese regulatory scheme need to consider:

• The definition and classification of cosmetics in China

• The negative and positive ingredient lists

• New ingredients for cosmetics

• The role of the responsible agent

• Pre-market approval

Roger also discussed the new Shanghai Pudong Policy, permitting non-special cosmetics to product launch in shorter timeframes.

Melbourne ACBC event – Roger Ying Presentation on Cosmetics

Raymond explained the China Inspection & Quarantine (CIQ) Services framework as it applies to Chinese food import procedures, and provided recent statistics on goods rejected by CIQ and advice on avoiding such rejections. His advice was to ensure labelling and ingredients are compliant, to run smaller quantities for initial sample tests, and to ‘treat every province as its own country’ (as different provinces may have different interpretations of the CIQ policies) in order to comply with CIQ protocol.

The presentations were followed by an engaging Q&A session, allowing for further discussion.

Melbourne ACBC event – Networking after presentation

REACH24H extends its thanks to Australian China Business Council for the opportunities of sharing our insight and experience with Australian cosmetics and food Industries.

If you wish to know further information regarding this event or you are interested in joining in us for future events on this topic, please contact us at