Hangzhou, China, Sep 3, 2014 Jim Wei, CEO and Founder of REACH24H Consulting Group China named Robert Kiefer as General Manager of REACH24H USA Inc. in Reston, Virginia. Kiefer joins REACH24H USA from the American Chemistry Council where he recently served as Director of Regulatory and Technical Affairs. He started on August 18, 2014. Kiefer possesses a distinguished career in regulatory advocacy that spans more than twenty years in Washington, DC working for two major trade associations in the chemical and formulated products industries. In addition to working for ACC, Kiefer’s background includes working for the Consumer Specialty Products Association where he served as Director of Scientific and International Affairs. He has extensive regulatory advocacy experience in domestic and global chemical control regulations, trade policy, hazard communication, consumer products and pesticides. “Robert will be a tremendous asset to REACH24H through his extensive experience, contacts, and knowledge in managing chemical and…