ChemADVISOR Attends REACH Workshop,Asia 2012

Dec. 01st, 2012

By the end of this November, the prestigious REACH workshop was held in Wyndham Grand Plaza Hotel nearby the beautiful Westlake, Hangzhou. During the two days’ consecutive presentations given respectively by government officers, senior researchers and representatives from partners of the host—REACH24H Consulting Group China, the workshop marked as another success as platform in deepening the co-operations for coping with chemical regulatory affairs and opening wide into a worldwide view of understanding it.

On behalf of ChemADVISOR,Dr. Lily Hou, the senior regulatory expert, announced their official partnership with REACH24H, which was conceived as mutually beneficial, during her presentation addressing the top chemical regulation in US, the TSCA. The partnership has long been perceived as a strengthened sign of globalizing in the chemical regulatory term and taken off since September this year, after the time-honored regulatory expert paid a visit to REACH24H and a training session was given. Dr Hou’s presence in the workshop has undoubtedly exhibited ChemADVISOR’s continued support as a partner, both in technical and commercial respects.

Also the in-depth details about TSCA was displayed by the meticulous illustration of LOLI Database—ChemADVISOR’s globally best-selling product covering almost all major chemical regulations around the world and comprehensive chemical information database. Questions rose regarding chemical regulations in US and the use of LOLI Databaseas well as the customized Global Chemical Regulatory Report (GCRR).

The customer perception has been significantly increased, as another onsite demonstration of LOLI in both English and Chinese carried on during the overall workshop in a dependent room, which received a certain number of positive feedbacks and product inquiries afterwards.

Future Cooperation

Dr. Hou has pointed out during her presentation that the REACH24H will be henceforth in charge of the sales as the important agency for clients from China, Russia and South-east Asia, of its current products: LOLI Database, GCRR and LOLI Datafeed. All clients from the countries or regions covered can directly contact REACH24H, its specialists have now thorough exclusive materials for any information that may be required on these products.


Considering the company was only founded in 2009, Dr Hou explained why REACH24H was chosen through all the candidates they previously believed as worth partnering with. Its high record in solving regulatory affairs comes as an essential, that REACH24H successfully assisted over 4000 thousand clients facing EU REACH barriers ever since its inception. Another fundamental factor which confirms the value in this partnership is the great potential REACH24H has, since the company consists of a team of professional regulatory experts with both knowledge and techniques demanded for dealing with regulatory affairs. Meanwhile, the China-based regulatory service provider has maintained its profound understanding in China chemical regulations which the ChemADVISOR certainly could not miss, as its products continue to grow, sweeping over more chemical regulations and including more local languages