REACH24H Hold Apr. 2013 Japan Seminars in Tokyo and Osaka

Apr. 11th, 2013

April 8 and April 10, 2013 witnessed the 2 seminars co-held by REACH24H/CTI, Tokai Techno and Protiviti Japan respectively in Tokyo and Osaka Japan. Titled “The Compliance with China Chemical Substance Management System (C-REACH, C-RoHS) from the Perspective of Japanese Enterprise”, the seminars were to bring the newest updates as well as the compliance suggestion of China chemical management regulations including C-REACH, C-RoHS and C-GHS.
On one hand, recently, the supervision from China authorities has been strengthened. When export chemicals to China, or when clear the customs some accident caused by incompliance with C-REACH or C-RoHS happened from time to time. On the other hand, the chemical management relating regulations are becoming more complete.

The 2 seminars have a total number of 100 attendees. The 1st topic was on “the comparison between China REACH and EU REACH”, presented by Mr. Martin Hu (the specialist in China REACH and China cosmetic relating regulation). Then Ms. Hannah Zhuang (the experienced consultant in compliance) gave a speech on “the compliance suggestion for china GHS from the perspective of Japanese enterprises”. The last topic was presented by Mr. David Chen (the specialist in hazardous chemical and food safety), with the title of “China electronic control law – China RoHs”. After the 3 speeches is the Q&A session, where many questions raised was settled.
In addition, this seminar has also provided the information in the necessary document for China REACH, the certificate issuance, the selection of an appropriate agent, Self Declaration and CCC Certification of C-RoHS, the revised catalogue of China GHS, etc. The seminar was also to announce the partnership among REACH24H/CTI, Tokai Techno and Protiviti Japan, and the latter 2 companies will agent the services provided by REACH24H/CTI.

About Tokai Techno
Tokai Techno is an experienced testing and analysis center for environment. It has been servicing the industries for decades. “HAKARU”, “MAMORU” AND “TUNAGU” are it’s mottoes. Its testing range include the air, the water, the earth, the wastes, the new energies, etc. for more information, please go to

About Protiviti Japan
Protiviti is a global business consulting and internal audit firm composed of experts specializing in risk, advisory and transaction services. It help solve problems in finance and transactions, operations, technology, litigation, governance, risk and compliance. Protiviti Japan is headerquatered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
For more information about this seminar, please feel free to contact:
Hannah Zhuang: or call +86 571 8700 7541