CRAC-HCF 2021: Post-Forum Report

Dec. 27th, 2021

Over the five days of November 8-12, 2021, the CRAC-HCF 2021 Virtual Week brought together top government decision-makers, regulatory experts, industry representatives, academic experts and the non-profit sector from all over the world, to join strategic debates and hear the top voices that shape the way forward for the chemical, pharmacy, laboratory, regulatory and related industries. The debates offered an insight into the increasing complex global equation, global market demand, environmental priorities of cleaner, safer, more reliable, and sustainable products and processes, and challenges for organizations and enterprises.

CRAC-HCF 2021 Virtual Week Integration of Industry Regulatory and Policy Updates

The format of the event involved a mixture of keynote speeches, presentations on topical issues, and extensive panel discussions, as well as the interactive in live streaming, plus plenty of time for networking in virtual exhibition hall.

Each session related to core themes of Asian Helsinki Chemicals Forum, Global Chemical Compliance Management and China’s Pharmaceutical Regulation and Market Overview, with a particular focus on the industry regulatory and policy updates.

Post-Forum Report

CRAC-HCF 2021 Post-Forum Report prepared by REACH24H Consulting Group, begins with a summary of panel discussion of the event in chronological order.

Download the Report

Missed Virtual Week 2021?

The contents of Asian HCF 2021 and CRAC 2021 agenda will be available on demand until January 1, 2022. Enjoy full access to all panel discussions, and regulatory updates, leave questions and download all the slides to the presentations.

For more, visit the official website of CRAC-HCF 2021