ECHA released IUCLID 5.5 enabling application of Biocidal Product registration

Apr. 15th, 2013

On April 2nd 2013, ECHA released the updated version of IUCID software—IUCID 5.5, which enables applicant of Biocidals (i.e. biocidal product) to compile application dossiers on it.

The new regulation on Biocidals will come into force on September 1st 2013 after which active substances used in production of biocidals must be authorised. The newly updated IUCLID is designed for companies who may use it to compile production application dossiers of active substances used in biocidals.

The format of application dossier created on IUCLID 5.5 fits the criteria and requirements outlined in the regulation on biocidals. Applicants may take the regulation as guidance while compiling the dossiers on IUCLID 5.5, which makes the work easier. Later, ECHA will also release detailed guidance document regarding compilation of production application dossier of active substance used in bocidals.

What is worth pointing out is that the IUCLID 5.5 recognises documents made by the old version of IUCLID to a further degree. In compilation of relevant documents of EU REACH, registration dossiers and database generated on IUCLID 5.5 can now be inputted into IUCLID 5.4 for modification. For REACH registrants in 2013, this newly added functionality enables them to continue to compile REACH registration dossiers on IUCLID 5.4 without immediately upgrading it to the 5.5 version.

In addition, there are 13 templates about nano material included on IUCLID 5.5, which serve as a reference for applicants in doing classification of physic-chemical property of nano materials in IUCLID database.