CSAR Series: Decoding China’s New Cosmetic Labeling Regulation


Non-compliant cosmetic labeling is the primary reason for customs rejection in 2021, and the common reason for the failure of cosmetics registration/notification review and post-market inspection. Relevant enterprises may face administrative penalties such as corrections within a time limit, fines, etc., resulting in economic losses.

On June 3, 2021, China NMPA issued the finalized Administrative Measures on Cosmetics Labeling, spelling out the requirements for the labeling and prohibited claims of cosmetics (including cosmetics provided to consumers in the form of trial, gift, exchange, etc.) under China\’s new cosmetic regulations. The Measures will be implemented on May 1, 2022. Compared with the previous labeling regulations, the Measures has stricter requirements in terms of labeling definition, consistency with registration/notification documents, Chinese labels, product naming, guiding words, etc. Labels of many registered/notified cosmetic products need to be redesigned and updated.

During the webinar, Demi Ding from REACH24H will explain the required contents and noteworthy points in labeling imported cosmetics, analyze common non-compliance causes, and give insightful regulatory compliance recommendations to enterprises.

*To have a better chance of your questions being addressed, you’re welcome to email us the questions before the webinar.


1. Background to the Introduction of Administrative Measures on Cosmetics Labeling

  • Background
  • Definition of cosmetic labeling

2. Detailed Explanation of Mandatory Labeling Items of Imported Cosmetics

  • Executive standard number
  • Full ingredients
  • Durability
  • Children cosmetics logo
  • Contents necessary for small-size packaging
  • Changes from previous regulations

3. Common Non-compliance Causes

  • Label defects
  • Prohibited claims
  • Punishment cases

4. Compliance Advice

5. Q&A

*The final outline may be subjected to subtle revision.


Date Time (GMT+8) World Clock Language Speaker
2022-04-26 21:30 ~ 22:30 London: 14:30-15:30 New York: 09:30-10:30 English Demi Ding

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this webinar, please contact us at:

EMAIL: contact@chemlinked.com

TEL: +86 (0) 571 8609 4444


Further Reading