CRAC-HCF 2021 Virtual Week——Asian Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF)


With the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability launched by the European Commission in 2020, its version of a green chemicals policy for the future finds multiple actions now under preparation. Which regulatory tools has the EU chosen to protect citizens, workers and the environment better from the effects of harmful chemicals while stimulating innovation across the industry? Will it become more difficult to export chemicals to Europe when the new rules will be in place?Will these rules comply with WTO standards? Does Europe expect other parts of the world to follow their ambition? What will be the role of the new chemicals strategy under “the EU Green Deal” and is the European chemicals industry expected to contribute much more to climate neutrality than its participation in the emission trading system and how will that be achieved? How do other world regions like Asia plan to achieve a high standard on chemical safety and waste management at the same time as circular economy and climate neutrality targets?

Available File

CRAC-HCF 2021 Hybrid Forum- General Brochure

CRAC-HCF 2021 Forum: Sponsorship Opportunities


Date Time Topic
2021/11/08 14:30-14:50 Keynote Speech : What you may learn about chemical management from EU REACH?
14:50-15:00 Keynote Q