China Heads Towards Risk-oriented Registration of Hazardous Chemicals, Says MEM Official

Dec. 29th, 2020

On November 30th, 2020, at the CRAC-HCF 2020 Virtual Forum [1] by REACH24H, Mr. Chen Jun, an official from the National Registration Center for Chemicals (NRCC) of the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM), unfolded a roadmap of the reform of the registration framework regulating hazardous chemicals and relevant businesses. Mr. Chen Jun had also previously responded to comments on the proposed revisions to the Implementation Guidance of the 2015 Inventory of Hazardous Chemicals as seen here.

China has been practicing the registration management of hazardous chemicals for nearly a decade. According to the Regulations on the Control over Safety of Hazardous Chemicals (State Council Decree No. 591) [2], enterprises that manufacture or import hazardous chemicals should register the hazardous chemicals with the authority for the registration of hazardous chemicals under the State Council. The system primarily aims to ensure the safety of workplaces involving hazardous chemicals, and prevent and reduce hazardous chemicals-related accidents.

Mr. Chen stressed that besides the inherent risks of chemicals, increased attention should be paid to the risks of accidents which could occur in the manufacture, use, etc. of such substances. With risk management at the core, a system requiring the registration of risks of both chemicals and chemical enterprises will be put in place.

According to Mr. Chen, the future endeavors will be dedicated on the following four aspects.

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