REACH24H Has Upgraded Expertise in Dealing with the Revised China Pesticides

May. 30th, 2013

REACH24H’s  pesticide regulatory personnel are located in Hangzhou, China office.

The team has a thorough understanding of the processes and requirements for registering pesticides to the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China.

REACH24H’s services advantages on China pesticide registration include:

>>Different types of registration

We have assisted many national and international companies in the registration of pesticides, including:

>>registration for new (special) pesticide (including both new AI and formulated products),

>>registration for new formulated products (including new formulation, minor formulation amendment, new mixture, formulated product of new content, new pesticide-fertilizer mixture, new penetrator-pesticide or synergist-pesticide mixture),

>>me-too registration

>>registration for applications scope expansion, change of application method and alteration of application dosage

>>repacking registration

>>renewal registration

>>registration for technical concentration

>>Good relationship with the country’s competent authorities and institutes

We maintain a strong working relationship with the Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China (ICAMA) and other competent authorities.

>>GLP tests

Testing data plays a vital role in China pesticide registration. The testing duratin also to a large extend affect the registration. In order to fulfill numerous requirements from China pesticide regulation, REACH24H has established comprehensive cooperation with major testing labs in China to ensure smooth one-stop testing service. With this we can help to save your cost and time on testing.

>>Risk assessment (RA)

According to senior official from ICAMA, risk assessment will be introduced into the upcoming revised pesticide regulation. The Chinese government has already initiated some risk assessments on some specific pesticide products. For instance, the risk assessment of Insecticide on Muscadomestica has been recently reviewed by the expert committee in Beijing, China.

Registrant should be aware of the risk assessment and provide sufficient data at the time of registration as to support the expert committee to conduct the risk assessment. REACH24H has very rich experience in risk assessment. Our RA team has been once invited to give comments on China’s national standard of risk assessment.

If there is anything REACH24H can help, please feel free to contact