NCEC and REACH24H Formalize Their Intermediary Partnership

Sep. 03rd, 2013

NCEC (National Chemical Emergency Center)—the leading global expert in 24-hour emergency response services has announced REACH24H Consulting Group as its Chinese distributor. Drawing on the technical expertise from two parties, this partnership will ensure both sides’ clients a world leading service to help them manage chemical risk in the developing market.

NCEC has been operating the UK’s national 24-hour chemical emergency response center since 1973.  NECE delivers up-to-the-minute advice and products setting global standards on emergency response and compliance. It is one of the most experienced teams in the world in that meet the needs of both chemical industry and emergency services. NCEC also provides chemical risk consultancy services to clients around the world, including chemical safety, regulatory support and responsible care.

NCEC is a branch of Ricardo-AEA Ltd., a global consulting firm focused on creating inspired solutions that solve complex issues in the areas of chemical risk, climate change and environment by expert knowledge management and innovative IT services.  Ricardo-AEA Ltd. is a subsidiary of Ricardo Group plc, a leading global multi-industry engineering provider of technology, product innovation and strategic consulting.

The partnership with REACH24H enables NCEC to boost its business in Chinese market and neighboring areas by authorizing REACH24H to distribute its Emergency Response suite, including Carechem24, Carechem24 International, CERS and Carechem 24 Marine. NCEC will benefit from REACH24H’S client base in Asia-Pacific region, which amounts to over 4,000 local and international clients of EU REACH registration since 2008. NCEC clients will get access to REACH24H’s global compliance services at favorable rates.

On the other hand, NCEC will support its new Chinese partner to make a big stride into the global market. As a leading regulatory consultancy provider in China, REACH24H continues to expand its multi-dimensional service, including technical and regulatory consultancy support. The partnership will increase its market access in western chemical industry, where NCEC covers a significant proportion of the world’s chemical manufacturing giants.