Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference 2013

Aug. 26th, 2013

For more detailed information and registration to CRAC, go to see the CRAC Shanghai 2013 Special  WebPage

Conference Venue: InterContinental Shanghai Pudong No.777 Zhangyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai

Since our inception, REACH24H has been dedicated to delivering cutting-edge technical solutions and professional expertise to our clients around the world. Historically our flagship conference for networking, disseminating the latest updates in regulatory affairs and providing practical compliance know-how has been our “International Chemical Regulation REACH Workshop.” However as REACH24H’s influence expanded, the conference has grew and evolved. This year we are proud to announce the inaugural Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference (CRAC) conference. The conference is a:

>>Professional Gathering in China to address concerns raised by regional and international stakeholders in regard to changes in chemical management frameworks and implementation of regulations, such as EU REACH;

>>Extraordinary Opportunity for international companies to increase their practical awareness and overall knowledge of chemical legislative in the Asia-Pacific Region. The conference promises to provide the most up to date analysis and research, case studies and practical solutions to technical problems.

As the first conference in China focusing on chemical regulatory affairs, the “International Chemical Regulation REACH Workshop, Asia” has a special place amongst chemical regulatory conferences. It was the first conference to thoroughly address the needs of industry in the wake of REACH regulations and the first conference to adequately address the functional changes and related compliance obligations. Now in its 4th year the conference has matured to a stage where it represents the seminal event on the Asia-Pacific chemical regulatory calendar. In the spirit of collaboration and mutual progress the conference provides a broad spectrum of global perspectives and chance for constructive global dialogue between key international policymakers. The last conference was attended by more than 170 preeminent policymakers, regulatory professionals, industry stakeholders, academics and members of NGO’s and this year’s conference promises to build and improve upon the success of its predecessor.

At a glance the two-day session in Shanghai presents

>>In-depth Interpretation of the latest chemical regulatory affairs in Asia-Pacific Region and Europe;

>> Analysis and Advice on compliance solutions. Delivered by experts from around the globe;

>>Networking of on-site communication among various industries;

>> A Broad Spectrum of the Most Relevant topics

Don’t miss this new conference and new opportunity !

Conference Highlights

CRAC Day 1

Sino-Euro-US Landscape

The inaugural Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference will focus on Sino-European chemical legislative reform and regulatory frameworks and provide a vital opportunity for constructive dialogue. The conference development coincides with a critical juncture in European regulatory developments with the recent passing of the 2nd REACH registration deadline.

REACH24H will invite senior officers from the ECHA and other EU authorities to analyze and give advice on the progress and lessons learned to date. With dossier quality issues resulting in noncompliance emerging as possibly the single greatest challenge to registration the technical and practical elements relating to this issue will constitute a major focus.

The US TSCA will also be a major focal point in Day 1. In China the past couple of decades has seen rapid industrialization levying a heavy environmental toll on both human health and the environment. Legislative and regulatory reform has struggled to stay apace. In the wake of China’s 12th five-year plan (2011-2015), a new wave of stringent environmental risk prevention and control has come, sweeping across the entire nation optimizing and prioritizing the management of chemicals with high environmental impact. Officers from the MEP and MIIT will offer detailed their expert advice from a practical and technical perspective.

Asia-Pacific Gallery

Globalization and the dissolution of international trade boundaries have ushered in an era of unprecedented development in the global Chemical industry. The Asian-Pacific region has emerged as a major global power however with the rapid rate of development further compounded by language issues, we therefore have a situation where worldwide appreciation of Asian specific regulatory issues is relatively poor. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations 7] is a geo-political and economic organization of ten countries located in Southeast Asia. As a major force in the global economic community, ASEAN leads the way to developing comprehensive regulatory framework, promoting harmonization and unifying chemical regulations within its jurisdiction. Korea and Japan have followed suit and also tightened control of chemicals. Another global regulatory challenge is management of chemicals through all stages of the supply chain. Little regulations exist for chemicals in products (articles) due largely to disparities in regional regulations. A key focus and major goal of of the conference will be provide a platform for cross boarder collaboration and discussion in a global context to fill this regulatory gap

CRAC Day 2

Alternative Seminar: China Chemical Regulation

Covering all major chemical regulations currently implemented in China, the seminar aims to introduce specific regulatory requirements, share the latest regulatory development, pose practical case in chemical import/export supervision and interpret monitoring of chemical transportation. It ends up with guidance for chemicals’ market entrance in China proposed by REACH24H, which is the cream of our years’ dedication.

Alternative Seminar: Cosmetics’ Global Market Access

With consumer demand for safer cosmetics the legislative and regulatory frameworks have become stricter. This half-day seminar will focus on outlining the administration of cosmetic registration in major economic zones and analyzing cosmetic safety assessment trends from a global perspective. The huge market for cosmetics in China is the second thread of discussion and will explain the functional elements relating to cosmetic safety assessment systems and also share market entrance guidance and expertise on regulatory compliance.

Alternative Seminar: EU REACH Enforcement and Supply Chain Compliance Package

REACH24H invites officers of member state competent authorities from Germany, Netherlands, UK and Italy to explain current enforcement procedures and future plans. From an industry perspective, REACH24H’s REACH Compliance Unit (RCU) will explain the dynamic existing between EU importers and non-EU suppliers, offering strategic advice and regulatory know how to deal with the inherent regulatory pitfalls of these relationships. The conference will also deal with the key lessons learned since REACH’s enactment and the passing of the second deadline.

Alternative Seminar: Biocides and Pesticides’ Global Market Access

The Biocide and pesticide market represent a huge economic interest and the regulation of these sectors have understandbly attracted significant attention amongst affected stakeholders. This alternative seminar will begin with an introduction of EU Biocide regulations. The regulatory and legislative frameworks will then be compared and contrasted with the Chinese system and provide a both a comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of both systems. The seminar will address plant protection and disinfectant production registration in the US. On a more practical note the regulatory steps in compliance with regulations for disinfectants in China will be outlined in a logical and sequential manner with the goal of expediting market access.