Stewardship & Regulation of China Chemicals

Mar. 25th, 2014

Stewardship & Regulation of China Chemicals (SRCC) Team, is a project team which provides comprehensive China chemical regulatory consulting services. The services offered by SRCC include Comprehensive Substance Evaluation under China Chemical Regulations, China Chemical Regulatory Progress Report, Regulatory Training, Coating Import License Application, China Hygienic Disinfectants and China Veterinary Disinfectants Registration.

Get to Know SRCC Report
REACH24H SRCC Team can provide the Comprehensive Substance Evaluation Report for China Chemical Regulations. The main checkpoints are shown below:
>>Identify all relevant product regulations
>>Identify all items in those regulations that are related to Product Scope
>>Develop a strategy for practical regulatory compliance.
>>Provide advice and inferences relating to future regulatory trends.

Advantages of SRCC Team
>>Years of accumulated regulatory compliance experience
>>Thousands of collected, classified and analyzed China Chemical Regulations
>>Extensive experience in comprehensive substance evaluation under China chemical regulations
>> Domestic and international cooperation
>>Good communication channels with authorities

China’s leviathan Chemical industry is the country’s third most important economic sector. It has grown in tandem with the rest of China’s economy. Its expansion has come at a cost however and the chemical industries growth has historically levied a heavy environmental toll and sorely taxed the countries environmental management infrastructure and administrative capacity. In an effort to meet the demands of modern day China, the government has implemented sweeping Chemical management reforms. The new system has greatly increased the mandatory requirements on enterprises manufacturing, importing or using chemicals. The most important factor to address when considering compliance with chemical legislation in China is getting correct and accurate information at the start of the process. The main difficulties faced by both indigenous and foreign enterprises are the complex division of labor adopted by Chinese regulatory authorities, a complex legislative system and the intrinsic language barrier.

Who needs this Evaluation Report?
>>China’s domestic enterprises
>>Foreign-funded enterprises in China
>>Foreign enterprises pursuing the Chinese market
>>Chemical Trade Association
>>Chemical Chamber of Commerce

About REACH24H
REACH24H Group provides product stewardship & regulatory compliance service for global customers from its three offices – Ireland, Canada and China, assisting international companies to comply with global chemical regulations including the EU REACH, China new chemical substance notification, Global GHS, USA TSCA, etc. REACH24H in-house team consists of global-regulatory experts, toxicologists, environmental risk assessors, chemical engineers and IT software development engineers to provide cost-effective access to the marketplace for the clients. REACH24H Consulting Group is also the sub-company of Centre Testing International Corporation (CTI) , a publicly traded company on the Chinese Stock Exchange(300012.SZ). CTI is China’s leading product testing, inspection, certification, and consulting firm, providing comprehensive services for virtually all consumer products. For more information on REACH24H, please Contact us or visit About us..