
Apr. 17th, 2014

With a series of food scandals exposed in China, the central government  is stressing its regulation on food. We could help our clients move regulatory barriers against food manufacturing, importing and selling in Chinese market. At REACH24H, we provide food regulation specialized news and imported baby formula compliance service.

Food Regulatory News

REACH24H builds food channel on Chemlinked. ChemLinked, all powered by REACH24H, brings you unparalleled access and up-to-the-minute coverage on food regulatory news in China, Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea. At Chemlinked·Food, you may be interested in:
* Food Regulatory News Updates
* Foodpedia (a knowledge base on food regulations)
* Regulatory/ Inventory Database
* Expert Articles & E-Publications on Food Regulations


Imported Baby formula Compliance & Registration

We help imported baby formula to meet Chinese regulations and national standards. You can contact us if any problem is there.
Compliant with imported baby formula regulation in China, how can we help?
* Label design/review/translation
* Filing label with local CIQ
* Registration of Overseas Dairy Manufacturers with AQSIQ
* Filing of Exporter with AQSIQ
* Filing of importer/Consignee with local CIQ.
* Automatic Import License
* Agent for Food Testing Service
* Regulatory Consultancy for Imported Dairy Products