AMD Brief Introduction

Apr. 17th, 2014

AMD Brief Introduction

In accordance with the value of REACH24H Consulting Group China, Agrochem & Material Division has been devoting to making contribution to public health, environment protection and providing chemical industrial companies with customized solutions to enter the global markets. AMD focuses on global food contact material, disinfectant regulation and pesticide regulation.

Food Contact Material Regulation

Foodstuff contact materials (FCM) include various kinds of materials and products that are likely to come into contact with food or food additives, or those whose ingredients may transfer to food, including packaging materials, vessels, tools and equipment used for food in the process of food production, processing, packaging, transportation, storage, sales and use, and printing ink, adhesives, lubricants and the like that come in direct or indirect contact with food. In the case of contact with food, it is possible for some chemical ingredients in materials to transfer to food and be consumed by people, which affects human health. Therefore, to control FCM safety and hygiene is important to ensure food safety, which has drawn widespread attention.

At present, REACH24H has many successful cases of FCM new substance notification in Europe (EFSA), US (FCN) and China. Based on years of FCM technological accumulation and global regulatory compliance experience, REACH24H aims to provide regulatory compliance solutions for FCM all over the world, offer FCM manufacturers, importers and end users product law consulting, compliance analysis, risk assessment, new substance notification, testing supervision and custom training services and help clients put their products on target market in a cost-effective way.

Our Advantages:

REACH24H is the only company in Asia which has independently completed FCN applications for new food contact materials in the United States and accounts for 90% of China’s market share, 100% project pass rate.

Disinfectant and Pesticides Regulation

Each country carries out registration management regulations of pesticides according to pesticide management laws & regulations to monitor the impacts of pesticides use on the environment, food safety and human health. Therefore, pesticide registration coming into market has huge effects on pesticide enterprises in importing/exporting pesticides.

Service Based on years of experiences in studying of and complying with pesticide laws & regulations , REACH24H can provide clients with services like pesticide/disinfectant registration, registration consulting report, market analysis report, lab testing supervision and risk assessment, covering China, Europe, the US, south America, southeast Asia, etc. REACH24 has established branches in Europe and the US, qualified to hold the pesticide registration certificate as an applicant of pesticide/disinfectant registration. Currently, REACH24H also provides services in Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Burma, South Africa and Kenya.

Our Advantages:

* The only company in Asia which has gained approval of the EU BPR new substance application, accounting for 95% of China’s market share, 100% project pass rate.

* The only company in Asia which has completed American EPA pesticide registration independently, accounting for 60% of China’s market share,  a 100% project pass rate.

* One of the few companies in Asia which has independently completed TE evaluation of EU pesticides, which accounted for 80% of China’s market share.

Events & Training

As an important means of information exchange, conferences, trainings and open courses are an integral part of REACH24H services. Since 2009, REACH24H has organized hundreds of courses, covering dozens of countries.

  • Brazilian pesticide registration training
  • Southeastern pesticide registration training
  • Analytical chemistry & toxicology training
  • GLP training
  • Pesticide registration basic training

Upcoming Events

Compliance & Registration

To comply with USA FDA Food Contact Material Regulations , we can help on:
*Summitting FCN(Food Contact Notification)
*Making DOC complying with FDA FCM regulations
*Comprehensive Report
*Customizing projects on migration test
*Experiment Supervision
*Compliance Consulting
To comply with EU Food Contact Material Regulations, we can help on:
*Summitting EU new substance application
*Making DOC complying with EU FCM regulations
*Comprehensive Report
*Customizing projects on migration test
*Experiment Supervision
*Compliance Consulting
To comply with China Pesticides Regulations, we can help on:
*China pesticide registration
*Customized global pesticide market analysis report
*Registration documents preparation and review
*Laboratory recommendation and test monitoring
*Pesticide risk assessment
*China pesticide regulation training
To comply with EU PPP Pesticide Regulations, we can help on:
*Pesticide risk assessment
*Product analysis and advice to constituent improvement
*Application for pesticide registration based on requirements of EU regulations
*Registration documents preparation and review
*Laboratory screening and test monitoring
To comply with USA EPA Pesticide Regulations, we can help on:
*Pesticide risk assessment
*Companies file record with authority in the state or province
*Submission of company annual report
*Product analysis and advice to constituent improvement
*Application for pesticide registration based on requirements of USA EPA pesticide regulations
*Registration documents preparation and review
*Laboratory screening and test monitoring
*USA EPA pesticide regulation training
To comply with Brazil Pesticide Regulations, we can help on:
*Pesticide risk assessment
*Companies file record with authority in the state or province
*Submission of company annual report
*Product analysis and advice to constituent improvement
*Application for pesticide registration based on requirements of Brazil regulations
*Registration documents preparation and review
*Laboratory screening and test monitoring
*Brazil pesticide regulation training
Compliant with China Disinfectant Regulation, we can help on:
*Free regulatory advice
*Comprehensive analysis report
*Disinfectant Registration Service
*Compliance strategy for biocidal product
*Labeling and Safety Data Sheet
*China Disinfectant Regulation Training
Compliant with EU BPR (Biocidal Product Regulation), we can help on:
*Compliance strategy for biocidal product
*Product analysis and advice to improvement
*Biocidal product authorization application
*Label compilation of treated article
*Active substance search 
*EU Biocidal Product Regulation Training
To comply with USA EPA Antimicrobal Pesticide Regulation ,we can help on:
*FIFRA  EPA Compliance Consulting
*FIFRA EPA Products Registration
*Product analysis and advice to constituent improvement
*Comprehensive analysis report

REACH24H has rich experience in deal with global food contact material regulations, especially United States food contact materials (FDA /FCN/Food Contact Notification/ 21 CFR); EU food contact materials (EU 10/2011/BfR); EU biocides BPR regulation; USA EPA pesticides regulation; China disinfectants and hygienic pesticides regulations, etc., REACH24H can make custom-made compliance service for enterprises. If you have further questions, please consult +86 571-8700 7548 directly or send e-mail to