On 24-26 Mar 2015, the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement determined on a second pilot Project on the authorized substances, and this pr…
Recently, many Chinese manufacturers with the intention of exporting polymers to the United States turned to REACH24H for help, seeking for a better u…
On 17 Mar 2015, the European Commission published decisions on authorisations for DEHP and DBP for specific purposes, and the date of expiry of review…
On 17 Mar 2015, ECHA has adopted the final Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) for 2015-2017 with 134 substances to be evaluated (CoRAP 2015-2017 li…
On 2 Mar 2015, ECHA has proposed two substances to be identified as substances of very high concern (SVHCs), and is consulting on dossiers containing …
China Cosmetics Regulations Changes July 20th 2015 marked the day that the China Food and Drugs Administration released the second version of the Draf…
Last month China turned every eye in the cosmetic industry on itself after they released the revision of the Draft. Why was it necessary to revise the…
Overview of MEP Order 22 As further support to the implementation of China’s top level law on the control of hazardous chemicals, the State Council De…
Chengdu, November 12-15, 2014
China Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) acknowledges air pollutant management as the key in dealing with the deteriorating air condition in C…