Author: Alice Wu REACH24H Consulting Group China According to Food quality news’s report, FDA will review phthalates safety after receive 10 NGO‘s app…
According to the news released on April 8, 2016 by ECHA, over 8000 REACH registration dossiers in total will be reopened for completeness checks to up…
Brazil Pesticide Legislation and Implementation Agency MAPA, ANVISA and IBAMA are the main pesticide legislation and implementation agencies to superv…
EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF) dealed with the safety assessment of α-tocopherol acetate, CAS No…
The EU has proposed a draft regulation which has been circulated by the WTO, it claims that the migration limitation of BPA will be changed from 0.6mg…
Australia Pesticide Regulatory Compliance In Australia, the main pesticide legislation and implementation agency is Australian Pesticide and Veterinar…
It is reported in the news released by ECHA on 22 February that some companies falsely claimed to be lead registrants (LR) for certain substances. Her…
Abstract: In 2016, several legal deadlines are relevant for applying for Union Authorisation of biocidal products. If the relevant Union Authorisation…
Abstract: The legal deadline to apply for the approval of active substances which are used in treated articles and not yet in the approval process is …
Abstract: the first BPR Enforcement Group (BEG) meeting will be held on 15 March 2016 which will focus on the enforcement of Article 95(2) for biocida…