According to non-compliance data released by China AQSIQ at the end of October, 847 batches of food failed to be imported in September mainly due to t…
On November 2, 2017, China CFDA released the 19th batch of registered infant formula in China, including 31 products from 9 enterprises. 2 overseas ma…
On October 30th, China NHFPC announced the approval of 6 new food additives and the expansion of application scope of 6 food additives. Read More.
There are 9 RASFF notifications on food contact materials in September 2017,in which there are 5 food contact material products from China (including …
Infant formula/milk powder recipe registration implemented has been implemented in China since October 1st 2016. China has already released 13 batches…
According to FDA official website, 7 food contact notifications (FCN) have been approved by FDA in August, and their information is shown in the table…
On March 7, 2016, China CFDA released the “Administrative Measures on Registration of Food for Special Medical Purpose”, stipulating that all food for…
The U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) final rule on the TSCA Inventory Notification (Active-Inactive) Requirements was published in the Federal…
In July 2017, NHFPC released an official letter detailing the updates, deletions and refinements of China’s directory of national food safety system m…
On 14th August 2017, CFDA notified the WTO on the release of the draft version of China’s Revised Food Safety Law Implementation Rules (See ChemLinked…