According to FDA official website, 4 food contact notifications (FCN) have been approved by FDA in January, and the details are shown in the table bel…
According to FDA official website, 15 food contact notifications (FCN) have been approved by FDA in December, and the details are shown in the table b…
There are 8 RASFF notifications on food contact materials in February 2018,in which there are 4 food contact material products from China (including H…
According to FDA official website, 5 food contact notifications (FCN) have been approved by FDA in November, and their information is shown in the tab…
There are 12 RASFF notifications on food contact materials in January 2018,in which all of them are from China. The main hazards for the notifications…
1. 【EU BPR】The First opinion on Union authorization was adopted The Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) supported applications for EU-wide access to the…
No.1 Top-down Renewal of Pesticide Regulations in China On 8 Feb 2017, China’s State Council approved the revised draft of “Regulation on the Administ…
According to the article 37 of the food safety law, related safety assessment materials for new food-related products such as new food varieties, new …
Apart from food safety challenges, safety issues caused by food contact materials have nowadays become relatively frequent. It comes as no surprise th…
There are 6 RASFF notifications on food contact materials in December 2017,in which there are 5 food contact material products from China (including H…