According to the WTO TBT agreement, WTO members are obliged to notify other members of any new/updated domestic regulations. Other WTO members and rel…
Takehome: China has maintained a stable increase in food imports over the past five years. The top 4 categories of foods (by trade value) were dairy p…
Takehome: China plans to reform flavor and fragrance regulations which will include compilation of a negative list of banned ingredients and implement…
Nutritional labeling is a fundamental section of the label of a food product. It shows the nutritional characteristics and related nutritional informa…
Takehome: China is facing a number of challenges to its food security including population growth, environmental issues, urbanization and significant …
According to Article 37 of Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, the application of new raw materials for food production, or the product…
At REACH24H we continue to deliver the latest and most relevant global news to ensure our clients stay informed and compliant. May 25, 2018. The day f…
Abstract:Introduction to Antibacterial (Bacteriostatic) products in China as disinfectants and their distinction from regulated drugs
Abstract: Foreign enterprises of disinfection products should pay attention to key some points before entering the China market
According to FDA official website, 3 food contact notifications (FCN) have been approved by FDA in May, and their information is shown in the table be…