Takehome: China will take the unprecedented step of appending its health food raw materials directory (essentially a positive list of ingredients that…
Takehome: The majority of additives and resins included in these amendments are applied in food-contact paints and coating. On Mar. 21, 2019, China CF…
Takehome: China is currently consulting on proposed amendments to the permitted terminology, scope of claims and appropriateness of the 27 functional …
Korea household chemicals and Biocides Safety Management Act (K-BPR) already took into force since 1 January 2019. There are four groups (disinfectant…
Takehome: Delays in the release of detailed rules for FSMP production license stymie domestic interests while overseas enterprises dominate the market…
Takehome: Both Tmall and JD are regulating the scope of health food and health related food products sold on their platforms. Both companies have stop…
Takehome: 2 batches of registered Chinese infant formula milk powder failed sampling inspection conducted by SAMR. One batch tested positive for enter…
Takehome: This administrative measure will be the major regulatory reference for health food and FSMP advertising in future. The advertisement of food…
On March 11, 2019, Taiwan Region’s Ministry of Health and Welfare opened a draft revision of Maximum levels of metals and other contaminants in …
On September 13, 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China officially the Regulation on the Management of Pesticides w…