Spodoptera frugiperda is one of the world’s top 10 plant pests, a major migratory agricultural pest that has led many global warnings by the Foo…
In recent years, corporate safety and environmental protection policies are constantly being updated, following changes and shifts in government regul…
With the wide application of chemical substances, the targets of new chemical substance registrations in China have also been expanding. In recent yea…
The Measures on the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances (MEP Order No.7) has entered its 10th year since its promulgation. This year b…
Measures for the filing of Non-special Use Cosmetics (Draft for Comments) published on May 27, 2019. A total of five chapters and 30 articles were add…
The development of global cosmetics industry has reached a new height with the tide of economic globalization. China’s beauty industry is in a b…
The European Union’s Scientific Commission for Consumer Safety Issues Final Opinion on Salicylic Acid in Cosmetics The European Union’s Sc…
On April 22nd, 2019, the General Administration of Customs published the Announcement No. 70 of 2019, “Announcement on Matters Concerning the In…
In the past five years, China ’s retail market has experienced the miracle of digital growth. Social media, e-commerce, and mobile payments are seaml…
[China] Requirements for the Health and Safety Evaluation of Disinfection Products is Officially Implemented On March 1, 2019, a set of requirements f…