An approval notice of 5 new food additives for use and an adjustment for other 28 food additives was currently released by MOH.
27 August, 2012
5 new food additives have been approved for use by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in accordance with the Food Safety Law (Order of the President No.9) and Administrative Measures for New Food Additives (Order No.73 of MOH). Along with the approval notice released on 27 August 2012, MOH also approved an expansion of use scope and dosage for other 13 food additives, 5 food processing aids, and 8 nutritional fortification substances, besides, a supplement of quality specifications for GDL(Glucono–δ—Lactone) and raw materials sources for Protease. For detailed functions, use scope, dosage, quality specifications (production process, technical requirements, sensory requirements, physic-chemical index, etc.) and test methods of the corresponding food additives please refer to Appendix to the notice.