Overview of RASFF Food Contact Material Notification in April 2017

May. 04th, 2017

There are 6 RASFF notifications on food contact materials in April 2017,in which there are 3 food contact material products from China (including Hongkong), accounted for50%. The main hazards for the notifications are primary aromatic amines from products. More information is shown below:


Notification type

Notified by



Action taken

Risk decision

countries concerned*

03/04/2017 alert Ireland stainless steel turner migration of primary aromatic amines (5.2748; 4.8574; 4.5771 mg/kg – ppm) from stainless steel turner from unknown origin, via the United Kingdom no stock left



United Kingdom (D)

Unknown origin(O)

03/04/2017 information for attention Ireland Kitchen Spoon migration of primary aromatic amines (0.0299 mg/kg – ppm) from kitchen spoon from China withdrawal from the market serious

Ireland(D)  China (O)


05/04/2017 border rejection Italy Meat slicers migration of chromium (0.9 mg/kg – ppm) from meat slicers from China official detention undecided

China (O)


10/04/2017 border rejection Italy kitchen utensils migration of primary aromatic amines (10.949 mg/kg – ppm) from kitchen utensils from Hong Kong Physical/chemical treatment serious

China  Hong Kong(O)   Italy  INFOSAN

13/04/2017 alert Belgium melamine plates migration of melamine (3; 3.5; 3.7; 3.8; 8.1 mg/kg – ppm) from melamine plates from the Netherlands recall from consumers serious

Australia  Belgium(D)

France  Germany Luxembourg Netherlands(O)

14/04/2017 border rejection Italy steel pressure cooker Presence of cobalt-60 in steel pressure cooker from India Re-dispatch Not serious

Commission Services India(O)   Italy

*  D = distribution  O = origin

REACH24H has rich experience in dealing with GB 9685-2016《Standard for uses of additives in food contact materials and their products》,United States food contact materials (FDA,FCN, 21 CFR) and EU food contact materials (EU 10/2011/BfR) and can make custom-made compliance service for enterprises. If you have further questions, please consult Mr. Su

