SFDA Consulting on Approval of Phenylethyl Resorcinol as Cosmetic Raw Material

Aug. 08th, 2012

According to Regulations concerning the Hygiene Supervision over Cosmetics, SFDA organized cosmetics experts to carry out review on Phenylethyl Resorcinol, which turns out to be in conformity with the technical requirements of cosmetic raw materials.

If you would like to make comments on this consultation, please call 010-88330535, 010-88330884 or e-mail chenchao@sfda.gov.cn, linqb@sfda.gov.cn.

Basic information:

INCI name Phenylethyl Resorcinol
CAS 85-27-8
Intended Use Whitening
Scope Skin care products
Limit 0.5 %
Impurities Lead ≤ 0.1 mg/kg; mercury ≤ 0.01mg/kg; arsenic ≤ 0.1mg/kg;

resorcinol ≤ 10 ppm

Microbiological index Aerobic bacterial count <100 CFU/g;

Molds and Yeast Count <10 CFU/g

Precaution Avoid substantial inhalation and contact with eyes
Storage condition Stored in a sealed container, to avoid exposure to light, heat and humid environment
Shelf life 2 years

SFDA has released Technical Requirements for Phenylethyl Resorcinol, the contents are as follows:

  • the technical requirements for Phenylethyl Resorcinol, including its basic information, physico-chemical properties, identification methods, assay methods of content (purity), examination of impurities, microbiological index, purpose, scope and limits of its application, precautions, storage conditions and shelf life;
  • assay methods of Phenylethyl Resorcinol;
  • testing methods of resorcinol in cosmetics.

Phenylethyl Resorcinol is going to be the third cosmetic raw material following the PM-Lysine and Nivitol approved on March 19 this year, since SFDA took over the responsibility of cosmetics supervision from Ministry of Health as of September 1, 2008.

As far as raw materials are concerned, in 2012, SFDA has published the first batch of Inventory of Existing Cosmetic ingredient in China (IECIC) and issued the second batch for public commentary. There are 1674 cosmetic ingredients in total in first batch and 637 ingredients in the second.

IECIC is a very important list for judging whether a cosmetic raw material is new or not. Manufactures or importers are allowed to use ingredients in IECIC directly to make cosmetics without registering it with SFDA for approval, because a new cosmetic ingredient must be licensed prior to use according to Regulations concerning the Hygiene Supervision over Cosmetics (1989). Overseas producers need to appoint a responsible agent in China to help you register the ingredient.

Besides, if an ingredient has been used in licensed special use cosmetics and from part of a plant which has been approved as cosmetic raw material, it does not belong to new cosmetic raw material, either.