Reach24h Martin Hu attended Cosmetics Europe meeting

Oct. 15th, 2015

Reach24h Martin Hu has accepted an invitation from Cosmetics Europe to hold a meeting and do a speech about China’s current situation regarding cosmetic regulations during this year’s Cosmetic Europe Week. Martin Hu, a core member of the Reach 24H Consulting Group cosmetic division will share in-depth information regarding the definition of “cosmetics”, it will also cover ingredient control in China, the different registration ways for finished products in China and Cross-Border E-commerce for oversea companies who never entered China market. The last point will be especially useful and it should be the point of interest for many people attending the Cosmetics Europe week. The Cosmetics Europe week 2015 will be hold in Brussels, starts June 16th and ends June 19th. It will take place in The Hotel located at the Boulevard de Waterloo 38.  The organizers, Cosmetics Europe are aiming to give a very interesting learning experience and the best possible to create a network and business opportunity for all stakeholders who are interested in the cosmetics and personal care industry. The week will start with a two-day scientific and regulatory conference. During the cosmetics Europe week, all the attention will be focused on key developments in the science and regulation that can directly impact and change the European Union and global cosmetics legislation.

Who is Martin Hu?

Mr. Martin Hu is a recognized expert in the field of cosmetics and chemical regulations in China and the European Union. He is also involved into more than 300 substances SIEF and consortium management under EU REACH Regulation early in his career. Martin, as the technical manager of cosmetics division in REACH24H, gathered extensive experience in the area of imported & domestic cosmetics, baby products and new cosmetic ingredient submitted to CFDA covering almost all kinds of registration since 2011. Martin received his B.Sc and M.M. degree from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Zhejiang University. Martin is currently the senior regulation project/technical manager of Regulatory Compliance Department in charge of New Chemical Notification and cosmetics regulation compliance.