UK Consults on Extending the UK REACH Submission Deadlines

Jul. 13th, 2022

On July 5, 2022, the UK’s Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) issued a public consultation to extend the current UK REACH submission deadlines.

The deadline for comments is September 1, 2022.

UK REACH Submission Deadlines

The UK REACH Regulation contains transitional provisions to reduce the disruption to industry as they moved to the new regime from EU REACH. These provisions allow companies to submit initial ‘notification’ data in order to continue trading and then subsequently provide the full registration data.

The current deadlines for completing this transitional registration process depend on the tonnage and hazard profile of the substance, and the first of the current registration submission deadlines is October 2023.

Three Options under Consultation

In response to concerns raised by stakeholders around the cost of acquiring the data to complete the registrations, DEFRA is working with stakeholders to explore an alternative transitional registration model.

The proposal to extend the deadlines is to ensure there is sufficient time for substantive development of the policy, and to make operational and legislative changes to implement the new model. Industry will also have enough time to prepare for compliance.

Three options are under consideration:

  • Baseline – Do Nothing – do not change the current submission deadlines. (27 October 2023, 27 October 2025, and 27 October 2027).
  • Option 1 – Extend all the current submission deadlines for each tonnage band by three years to October 2026, October 2028, and October 2030.
  • Option 2 (preferred option) – Extend the first submission deadline by 3 years to October 2026, the second by 2 years to October 2027, and the third by 1 year to October 2028.

Option 2 is DEFRA’s preferred option because the transitional registration data would be received sooner, while allowing industry sufficient time to comply.

Options for data submission deadlines 

Options for data submission deadlines 

Reference Link: Consultation on Extending the UK REACH Submission Deadlines

Contact Us

REACH24H has helped global companies with compliance registration under UK REACH and other REACH-like regulations. We provide services under UK REACH including:

  • Only Representative Transfer Service
  • UK REACH “DUIN” Notification
  • UK REACH Inquiry
  • UK REACH Registration
  • Technical Support

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us.

Tel: +86 (0)571-87007555
