The Catalog of Toxic, Hazardous Materials (Products) & Recommended Substitutes by MIIT

Dec. 05th, 2012

>What will this catalog be for?

Since May 2012, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P.R.C. (MIIT) has declared that the information of substitutes for toxic, hazardous materials (products) should benotified by companies, industrial associations and institutes through provincial Technology and Information Department. The industries cover pharmacy, pesticide, leather, electronic products, painting etc.The submission of notification and expert review of application have been completed by the end of June 2012.

All notified materials (products) shall be divided into 3 categories according to specific progressivephases of development: 1) the phase of research & development;2) the phase of materials (products) promoted for industrialization; 3) the phase of materials (products) widely application. The definition of each of 3 categories is given as following:

1)       The phase of research & development: non or lower toxic, hazardous materials (products) are in urgent need of being researched;

2)       The phase of materials (products) promoted for industrialization: the research of non or lower toxic, hazardous materials (products) has been completed and the industrialization application demands some more time however ;

3)       The phase of materials (products) widely application: those materials (products) are ready to be and encouraged for widely application.

After further research and review of all information of substitutes notified, the “Catalog of Toxic, Hazardous Materials (Products) and Recommended Substitutes” containing 79 toxic, hazardous materials (products) and substitutes correspondingly has been released for public review and comment before its final publication (till Nov 27 2012, usually half month for public review and comment).

>About the Catalog

The Catalog covers the toxic, hazardous materials (products) that contain the substances mentioned as below.

Toxic, hazardous substances are referred to

1) heavy metal,

2)persistence organic pollutant (POPs),

3)Persistent toxic pollutants (PTS),

4)Products in the Catalog of hazardous goods(GB12268),

5)Chemicals in the Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (over 3800 chemicals in the version 2002 issued by SAWS),

6)Materials in theInventory of national hazardous wastes (by MEP),

7)Chemicals classified as extreme toxicity, serious corrosion, irritation, radiation (not including nuclear facilities and military nuclear installation), mutagenicity and carcinogenicity in the Catalog of Extremely Toxic Chemicals(335 chemicals in the version 2002 issued by SAWS)

For free Download: the Catalog of Toxic, Hazardous Materials (Products) and recommended substitutes by MIIT, China (English version), you contact our regulatory consultant Charles Feng, his email address is: