South Korea Publishes Classification and Labelling Guide of Mixtures

Aug. 08th, 2022

The NIER provides numerous examples in the Guide to further facilitate enterprises’ understanding of the classification and labelling methods.

On June 30, 2022, South Korea’s National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) issued the Guide for Classification and Labeling of Mixtures (NIER-GP2022-027, hereinafter referred to as the Guide), which aims to help stakeholders to better comply with obligations under K-REACH and K-CCA. In addition to the Guide, a leaflet illustrating rules and methods of classification and labelling with various examples was issued as well.

South Korea has implemented GHS for both substances and mixtures since 1 July 2013. Below are two main standards supporting the GHS implementation in South Korea, including:

However, the standards are very technical and complicated. Thus, this 180+page Guide is prepared based on NIER Announcement No.2021-104 and EU CLP, aiming to help enterprises easily address the issues regarding classification and labelling requirements for mixtures. It consists of 7 chapters and 5 appendixes, mainly covering the following content:

  • General principles for the classification and labeling of mixtures
  • Methods for classifying physical hazards of mixtures
  • Methods for classifying health hazards of mixtures
  • Methods for classifying environmental hazards of mixtures
  • Methods for preparing and attaching labels of mixtures

Main Points Regarding Classification and Labelling in the Guide

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