Hong Kong Issues the HK Code for Formula Milk Products

Nov. 21st, 2012

Hong Kong, China has issued “Hong Kong Code of Marketing and Quality of Formula Milk and Related Products, and Food Products for Infants and Young Children” (“the HK Code”) on 2nd November. The HK Code was initiated by Family Health Service, Department of Health (FHS-DH) with an aim to protect breastfeeding and promote proper use of breastmilk substitutes, including formula milk, formula milk related products, and food products for infants and toddlers from 0-36 months.

The HK Code is voluntary in nature. It provides adequate and unbiased information in accordance with the widely recognized “International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes approved by the WHO in 1981 and consecutive World Health Assembly resolutions.

Please note if you want to read the full text please reference  www.chemlinked.com