ECHA released its latest statistics for substance to be registered before the deadline in 2013

Nov. 22nd, 2012

According to the latest statistics, there are 3836 substances ought to be registered before May 31, 2013, an addition of 47 substances to the statistics released in this August. Amongst all these substances, 868 have completed their registration in 2012 while there are 2968 substances manage to register for the first time, and the 728 rest have not yet been nominated of any LR registration.

In comparison with the statistics in May, the total number of none LR-nominated substances has been down. ECHA says the similar circumstance happened by the approaching of last deadline of REACH registration in 2010, when approximately 75% of the LRs were confirmed until 9 months before the deadline. Meanwhile, ECHA also keeps abreast of the ongoing SIEF activities and suggests LR to submit dossiers 2 months before the deadline next year, namely, before March of 2013.

For the present, the number of LR’s known substances is up in a steady rise, though ECHA notes that the existent number of LR substances is far from satisfied and it will take multiple actions to remind the potential registrants who expressed registration intent by the end of 2011, to realize the deadline in 2013 is now nearing.