ECHA offers speedier processing times for REACH dossiers

Mar. 16th, 2018

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has just released a notification for companies that are interested in submitting their REACH dossier in the face of its current May 31st 2018 deadline. Companies that submit their dossiers before the end of March will receive ECHA’s decision on the registration within three weeks of filing. The agency is expecting high levels of submissions in the months of April and May, thus companies filing REACH dossiers over these later months may need to wait up to three months to receive ECHA’s decision.

In order for a dossier to be submitted, it must first be uploaded in REACH-IT, and then it must successfully pass completeness check. As the completeness check carried out by ECHA staff not follow a prescribed time, REACH24H strongly recommends its clients to submit their REACH dossiers if possible before March 31st. This should provide sufficient time to receive a registration number before the deadline. In the event they are unable to submit the REACH dossier before March 31st, it is not possible to ascertain a registration number may be obtained by the set deadline.

Still, companies need ultimately only ensure their dossiers are successfully submitted within the prescribed May 31st 2018 deadline to be allowed to trade in the EU.

To access the official ECHA news release, please click:

Benefit from a faster processing of your REACH dossier